AD 1 |
| |
14 | Death of Roman emperor Augustus |
43 | Roman emperor Claudius invades Britain |
60 - 61 | Rebellion of Boudicca, queen of the Iceni, against Romans in Britain |
64 | Great Fire of Rome |
68 - 69 | Civil war in Roman empire after Emperor Nero dies |
c. 80 | Completion of colosseum amphitheatre in Rome |
AD 100 |
116 - 17 | Roman empire reaches its greatest extent, under Emperor Trajan (98 - 17) |
122 - 38 | Hadrian's Wall built to defend province of Britain |
166 - 67 | Roman empire devastated by plague |
180 | Death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius; end of Pax Romana |
AD 200 |
212 | Roman citizenship formally extended to all free-born people within the empire |
235 - 84 | Long period of civil war and chaos in Roman empire |
271 - 76 | Building of Aurelian walls around Rome |
284 - 305 | Diocletian is emperor of Rome; major reforms; forms "Tetrarchy" of four emperors to rule the empire together |
AD 300 |
313 | Christianity tolerated throughout Roman empire |
324 | Constantine becomes sole emperor (western emperor in 312) |
330 | New city of Constantinople (now Istanbul) inaugurated on site of ancient Greek city of Byzantium in European Turkey |
360s | First invasions of Europe by Huns from central Asia |
378 | Romans defeated at Adrianople by Visigoths: Emperor Valens killed |
AD 400 |
410 | Aaric the Goth, king of the Germanic people, the Visigoths, sacks Rome |
432 | St. Patrick introduces Christianity to Ireland |
445 | Attila the Hun attacks western Europe |
c. 450 | Saxons from Germany begin to invade Britain |
451 | Attila defeated at Ch_lons |
476 | Germanic invader Odoacer expels Romulus Augustus, last emperor of Rome, and takes control of the city |
AD 500 |
527 - 65 | Reign of Justinian, Byzantine emperor; he tries to reunite the eastern and western branches of the Christian church which are bitterly divided |
529 | St. Benedict founds monastery at Monte Cassino, south of Rome |
529 - 34 | Justinian introduces codes of law |
552 - 53 | Monks smuggle silkworms to Constantinople from China; start of important Byzantine silk industry |
563 - 97 | St Columba comes from Ireland to spread Christian religion in Scotland |
597 | Mission of St. Augustine to England to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity |
AD 600 |
c. 600 | Beginning of an important period of art and literature in Ireland |
c. 602 | Slavic tribes begin settlement of the Balkans |
664 | Synod of Whitby in England; Roman Christianity chosen in preference to Celtic |
c. 670 | Syrian chemist, Callinicus, invents Greek Fire, a highly inflammable liquid used by the Byzantine army in battle; first used in Battle of Cyzicus c. 673 |
c. 675 | Bulgars, nomadic people from the Russian steppes, settle in lands south of the Danube |
AD 700 |
715 | Muslim forces conquer most of Spain; only the mountainous north, home of the Basque people, remains independent |
732 | Charles Martel , king of the Franks, defeats Muslims at Poitiers in France, stopping Muslim advance northwards |
768 | Charlemagne becomes king of the Franks |
784 - 96 | Offa , king of Mercia in central England, builds defensive dyke between England and Wales |
787 | Vikings make their first raids on the coasts of Britain |
AD 800 |
800 | Pope crowns Charlemagne emperor of Rome on Christmas Day in St Peter's Church, Rome |
c. 800 | First castles built in western Europe |
809 - 17 | War between the Byzantine empire and the Bulgars - Khan Krum of Bulgaria defeats Byzantines in 811 and kills their emperor |
814 | Death of Charlemagne |
841 | Vikings found Dublin on east coast of Ireland |
c. 843 | Charlemagne 's Frankish empire breaks up |
843 | Kenneth /MacAlpin unites kingdom of Scotia and becomes first king of Scotland (dies c. 859) |
844 - 78 | Rule of /Rhodri Mawr , first prince of all Wales |
c. 860 | Vikings rule at Novgorod in Russia |
862 | Vikings led by /Rurik are invited by East Slavic and Finnish tribes of north Russia to rule them |
871 - 99 | Reign of Alfred The Great of England |
878 | Alfred defeats Vikings under Gudrum at Ethandune; Treaty of Wedmore divides England between them |
885 - 86 | Vikings raid Paris in France |
c. 891 | Monks write the history of England in Anglo-Saxon Chronicle |
AD 900 |
c. 900 | Magyars, nomadic people from central Asia, invade Europe |
910 | Benedictine Abbey of Cluny is founded in Burgundy, France |
911 | Rollo, Viking chief, settles in Normandy, France |
912 - 61 | Rule of Abd-al-Rahman III, Omayyad caliph of Cordoba, Spain; during his peaceful reign he develops arts and industry, such as paper-making |
936 - 73 | Reign of Otto The Great, king of Germany; he is crowned Holy Roman emperor in 962 |
937 | Athelstan of England defeats large army of Scots, Irish, and Danes at Battle of Brunanburh, northern England |
942 - 50 | Record of Welsh law is written down on the orders of Hywel Dda, Prince of all Wales |
955 | Otto defeats Magyars at Battle of Lechfeld, near Augsburg, and defeats Slavs at Reichnitz |
963 | Mieszko I founds kingdom of Poland; he is succeeded by Boleslav I, who expands its territory greatly |
976 - 1025 | Reign of Basil II, Byzantine emperor who defeats Bulgarians in 1014 |
978 | Vladimir becomes Grand Prince of Kiev |
c. 986 | Eric The Red, Viking explorer, sets up a colony in Greenland |
987 - 96 | Reign of Hugh Capet, first Capetian king of France |
c. 989 | Vladimir of Kiev chooses Orthodox Christianity as the official religion for his people |
AD 1000 |
1020 | Italian towns, including Rome, Florence and Venice, become city states |
1000 - 38 | Rule of Stephen, first of Arpad dynasty of Hungary; he accepts Christianity for his people |
1014 | Brian Boru, High King of all Ireland, defeats Vikings at Battle of Clontarf, but is killed after victory |
1016 - 35 | Reign of Canute, Viking king of England, Denmark, Norway and Sweden |
1019 - 54 | Yaroslav the Wise, ruler of Kiev in Russia, unifies many Russian principalities |
1020s | Boleslav I of Poland creates a powerful state |
1034 | Scotland becomes united down to present border with England |
1035 - 66 | Normandy in north of France grows powerful |
1037 | Spanish kingdoms of Castile and Le¾n unite |
1054 | Split between Catholic church of Rome and Orthodox Christian church of Byzantium |
1066 | William Duke of Normandy, defeats Harold of England at Battle of Hastings |
1072 - 91 | Norman armies conquer Sicily |
1077 | Pope Gregory expels Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV from church; Henry pleads forgiveness, but conflict between empire and Papacy continues into 12th century |
1086 | Survey of England by order of William I is recorded in Domesday Book |
1098 | Monastery founded at Citeaux in France; start of Cistercian order of monks |
AD 1100 |
c. 1115 - 42 | French teacher Henry IV makes Paris centre of religious learning |
1115 - 53 | Career of Bernard of Clairvaux, whose abbey becomes most important monastery in Europe |
1119 | Bologna University founded in Italy; Paris University, in France, is founded in 1150 |
1124 - 53 | David I rules Scotland |
1132 - 44 | St Denis Abbey, the first Gothic church, built by Abbot Suger in Paris |
1139 - 85 | Alphonso I becomes first king of Portugal |
1152 - 90 | Reign of powerful Holy Roman emperor Frederick I, called Barbarossa (red beard) |
1154 - 89 | Reign of Henry II Plantagenet of Anjou as king of England; he reforms law and government |
1171 - 72 | Henry II invades Ireland and is accepted as its lord |
1180 - 1223 | Philip II Augustus rules France, conquering Angevin lands in the west |
1190 | Teutonic Order of knights, a military society, set up in Germany to defend Christian lands in Palestine and Syria |
AD 1200 |
1209 | St Francis of Assisi founds Franciscan religious order |
1212 | Almohads defeated by Christians at battle of Las Navas de Tolosa |
1215 | English King John seals Magna Carta, giving more power to barons |
1240 | Russian Alexander Nevsky defeats Swedes at great battle on the Neva river |
1241 | L_beck and Hamburg form a Hansa (association) for trade and mutual protection; beginning of Hanseatic League |
1249 | University College, first college of Oxford University, England, founded |
c. 1254 | Explorer Marco Polo born in Venice |
1262 | Iceland and Greenland come under Norwegian rule |
1273 | Rudolph I becomes first Habsburg ruler of Austria |
1282 - 84 | Edward I of England conquers Wales |
1284 | Peterhouse, first college of Cambridge University, founded in England |
1284 | Sequins coined in Venice, Italy |
c. 1290 | Invention of spectacles in Italy |
1291 | Three Swiss cantons join together to begin struggle for independence from Habsburgs |
AD 1300 |
1308 | Papal court moves to Avignon; Great Schism follows |
1314 | Scots defeat English at Battle of Bannockburn |
1337 | Edward III of England claims French throne - 100 Years War (1337 - 1453) begins |
1346 | English defeat French at Battle of Cr_cy |
1347 | Bubonic plague or Black Death reaches Europe |
1358 | Jacquerie Revolt; peasant uprising north of Paris, France |
1370 | Geoffrey Chaucer writes first book, Book of the Duchess |
1373 | Treaty of Anglo-Portuguese friendship; the English and Portuguese are still allies today |
1381 | Peasants' Revolt in England led by Wat Tyler |
1389 | Christian Serbs defeated by Ottoman Turks at Kossovo in Serbia |
1397 | Kalmar Agreement unites three Scandinavian kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden |
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