quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

"Post" onde a História, o Inglês e a Literatura Portuguesa "articulam"

No sítio http://www.camelotintl.com/world/europe.html (indicado pela professora de História), encontram a seguinte cronologia:


AD 1
14 Death of Roman emperor Augustus
43 Roman emperor Claudius invades Britain
60 - 61 Rebellion of Boudicca, queen of the Iceni, against Romans in Britain
64 Great Fire of Rome
68 - 69 Civil war in Roman empire after Emperor Nero dies
c. 80 Completion of colosseum amphitheatre in Rome

AD 100
116 - 17 Roman empire reaches its greatest extent, under Emperor Trajan (98 - 17)
122 - 38 Hadrian's Wall built to defend province of Britain
166 - 67 Roman empire devastated by plague
180 Death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius; end of Pax Romana

AD 200
212 Roman citizenship formally extended to all free-born people within the empire
235 - 84 Long period of civil war and chaos in Roman empire
271 - 76 Building of Aurelian walls around Rome
284 - 305 Diocletian is emperor of Rome; major reforms; forms "Tetrarchy" of four emperors to rule the empire together

AD 300
313 Christianity tolerated throughout Roman empire
324 Constantine becomes sole emperor (western emperor in 312)
330 New city of Constantinople (now Istanbul) inaugurated on site of ancient Greek city of Byzantium in European Turkey
360s First invasions of Europe by Huns from central Asia
378 Romans defeated at Adrianople by Visigoths: Emperor Valens killed

AD 400
410 Aaric the Goth, king of the Germanic people, the Visigoths, sacks Rome
432 St. Patrick introduces Christianity to Ireland
445 Attila the Hun attacks western Europe
c. 450 Saxons from Germany begin to invade Britain
451 Attila defeated at Ch_lons
476 Germanic invader Odoacer expels Romulus Augustus, last emperor of Rome, and takes control of the city

AD 500
527 - 65 Reign of Justinian, Byzantine emperor; he tries to reunite the eastern and western branches of the Christian church which are bitterly divided
529 St. Benedict founds monastery at Monte Cassino, south of Rome
529 - 34 Justinian introduces codes of law
552 - 53 Monks smuggle silkworms to Constantinople from China; start of important Byzantine silk industry
563 - 97 St Columba comes from Ireland to spread Christian religion in Scotland
597 Mission of St. Augustine to England to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity

AD 600
c. 600 Beginning of an important period of art and literature in Ireland
c. 602 Slavic tribes begin settlement of the Balkans
664 Synod of Whitby in England; Roman Christianity chosen in preference to Celtic
c. 670 Syrian chemist, Callinicus, invents Greek Fire, a highly inflammable liquid used by the Byzantine army in battle; first used in Battle of Cyzicus c. 673
c. 675 Bulgars, nomadic people from the Russian steppes, settle in lands south of the Danube

AD 700
715 Muslim forces conquer most of Spain; only the mountainous north, home of the Basque people, remains independent
732 Charles Martel , king of the Franks, defeats Muslims at Poitiers in France, stopping Muslim advance northwards
768 Charlemagne becomes king of the Franks
784 - 96 Offa , king of Mercia in central England, builds defensive dyke between England and Wales
787 Vikings make their first raids on the coasts of Britain

AD 800
800 Pope crowns Charlemagne emperor of Rome on Christmas Day in St Peter's Church, Rome
c. 800 First castles built in western Europe
809 - 17 War between the Byzantine empire and the Bulgars - Khan Krum of Bulgaria defeats Byzantines in 811 and kills their emperor
814 Death of Charlemagne
841 Vikings found Dublin on east coast of Ireland
c. 843 Charlemagne 's Frankish empire breaks up
843 Kenneth /MacAlpin unites kingdom of Scotia and becomes first king of Scotland (dies c. 859)
844 - 78 Rule of /Rhodri Mawr , first prince of all Wales
c. 860 Vikings rule at Novgorod in Russia
862 Vikings led by /Rurik are invited by East Slavic and Finnish tribes of north Russia to rule them
871 - 99 Reign of Alfred The Great of England
878 Alfred defeats Vikings under Gudrum at Ethandune; Treaty of Wedmore divides England between them
885 - 86 Vikings raid Paris in France
c. 891 Monks write the history of England in Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

AD 900
c. 900 Magyars, nomadic people from central Asia, invade Europe
910 Benedictine Abbey of Cluny is founded in Burgundy, France
911 Rollo, Viking chief, settles in Normandy, France
912 - 61 Rule of Abd-al-Rahman III, Omayyad caliph of Cordoba, Spain; during his peaceful reign he develops arts and industry, such as paper-making
936 - 73 Reign of Otto The Great, king of Germany; he is crowned Holy Roman emperor in 962
937 Athelstan of England defeats large army of Scots, Irish, and Danes at Battle of Brunanburh, northern England
942 - 50 Record of Welsh law is written down on the orders of Hywel Dda, Prince of all Wales
955 Otto defeats Magyars at Battle of Lechfeld, near Augsburg, and defeats Slavs at Reichnitz
963 Mieszko I founds kingdom of Poland; he is succeeded by Boleslav I, who expands its territory greatly
976 - 1025 Reign of Basil II, Byzantine emperor who defeats Bulgarians in 1014
978 Vladimir becomes Grand Prince of Kiev
c. 986 Eric The Red, Viking explorer, sets up a colony in Greenland
987 - 96 Reign of Hugh Capet, first Capetian king of France
c. 989 Vladimir of Kiev chooses Orthodox Christianity as the official religion for his people

AD 1000
1020 Italian towns, including Rome, Florence and Venice, become city states
1000 - 38 Rule of Stephen, first of Arpad dynasty of Hungary; he accepts Christianity for his people
1014 Brian Boru, High King of all Ireland, defeats Vikings at Battle of Clontarf, but is killed after victory
1016 - 35 Reign of Canute, Viking king of England, Denmark, Norway and Sweden
1019 - 54 Yaroslav the Wise, ruler of Kiev in Russia, unifies many Russian principalities
1020s Boleslav I of Poland creates a powerful state
1034 Scotland becomes united down to present border with England
1035 - 66 Normandy in north of France grows powerful
1037 Spanish kingdoms of Castile and Le¾n unite
1054 Split between Catholic church of Rome and Orthodox Christian church of Byzantium
1066 William Duke of Normandy, defeats Harold of England at Battle of Hastings
1072 - 91 Norman armies conquer Sicily
1077 Pope Gregory expels Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV from church; Henry pleads forgiveness, but conflict between empire and Papacy continues into 12th century
1086 Survey of England by order of William I is recorded in Domesday Book
1098 Monastery founded at Citeaux in France; start of Cistercian order of monks

AD 1100
c. 1115 - 42 French teacher Henry IV makes Paris centre of religious learning
1115 - 53 Career of Bernard of Clairvaux, whose abbey becomes most important monastery in Europe
1119 Bologna University founded in Italy; Paris University, in France, is founded in 1150
1124 - 53 David I rules Scotland
1132 - 44 St Denis Abbey, the first Gothic church, built by Abbot Suger in Paris
1139 - 85 Alphonso I becomes first king of Portugal
1152 - 90 Reign of powerful Holy Roman emperor Frederick I, called Barbarossa (red beard)
1154 - 89 Reign of Henry II Plantagenet of Anjou as king of England; he reforms law and government
1171 - 72 Henry II invades Ireland and is accepted as its lord
1180 - 1223 Philip II Augustus rules France, conquering Angevin lands in the west
1190 Teutonic Order of knights, a military society, set up in Germany to defend Christian lands in Palestine and Syria

AD 1200
1209 St Francis of Assisi founds Franciscan religious order
1212 Almohads defeated by Christians at battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
1215 English King John seals Magna Carta, giving more power to barons
1240 Russian Alexander Nevsky defeats Swedes at great battle on the Neva river
1241 L_beck and Hamburg form a Hansa (association) for trade and mutual protection; beginning of Hanseatic League
1249 University College, first college of Oxford University, England, founded
c. 1254 Explorer Marco Polo born in Venice
1262 Iceland and Greenland come under Norwegian rule
1273 Rudolph I becomes first Habsburg ruler of Austria
1282 - 84 Edward I of England conquers Wales
1284 Peterhouse, first college of Cambridge University, founded in England
1284 Sequins coined in Venice, Italy
c. 1290 Invention of spectacles in Italy
1291 Three Swiss cantons join together to begin struggle for independence from Habsburgs

AD 1300
1308 Papal court moves to Avignon; Great Schism follows
1314 Scots defeat English at Battle of Bannockburn
1337 Edward III of England claims French throne - 100 Years War (1337 - 1453) begins
1346 English defeat French at Battle of Cr_cy
1347 Bubonic plague or Black Death reaches Europe
1358 Jacquerie Revolt; peasant uprising north of Paris, France
1370 Geoffrey Chaucer writes first book, Book of the Duchess
1373 Treaty of Anglo-Portuguese friendship; the English and Portuguese are still allies today
1381 Peasants' Revolt in England led by Wat Tyler
1389 Christian Serbs defeated by Ottoman Turks at Kossovo in Serbia
1397 Kalmar Agreement unites three Scandinavian kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden

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